Why ADHD Matters
The ADHD foundation estimates that over five percent of the UK population have ADHD.
At its best, ADHD is associated with lateral thinking, creativity, innovation, high energy and drive.
At its worst, ADHD can have a significant negative effect on relationships, schoolwork and performance at work.
As childhood is time-limited, a schoolchild who cannot fully access the curriculum is at risk of not achieving their potential, which can be miserable and stressful for them and their families and also lead to other negative health and social consequences.
The majority of accurately diagnosed patients respond well to medication. Early forms of the medication have been available since 1937 and what has changed most since is our understanding of ADHD and how to adjust the medication with precision.
Who Can Manage ADHD?
Some people assume that the competence to manage ADHD is placed exclusively in the domain of Psychiatry and Psychiatrists.
Whilst this is broadly true it is not essential to have psychiatric qualifications to work in the field. It is also worth noting that not all Psychiatrists are trained to manage ADHD.
The UK ADHD workforce who diagnose ADHD includes Psychiatrists, Specialist Nurses, Psychologists and a handful of GPs. As the mainstay of treatment is medication, the workforce who prescribe for ADHD excludes Psychologists but includes Psychiatrists, Specialist Nurses with prescribing qualifications and appropriately qualified GPs.
The understanding of ADHD and benefits of treating it have improved significantly over the last 20 years. The diagnostic rate of ADHD was rising before the Covid pandemic this trend is continuing. In the UK we now have an extraordinary mismatch between the number of trained clinicians in the country and the huge volume of young people who need diagnosis and treatment.
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